on getting my first tattoo

Talia Longthorne
2 min readNov 14, 2020


Getting a tattoo has been on my bucket list for a long time. The idea began with a tribute to Rene Magritte, the Belgian surrealist. His pictures and surrealist humour had always inspired me and a yearly visit to the Magritte-Museum in Brussels was a personal must. I played with combining some of his symbols, such as the green apple, the bowler hat and the lamp post for some time.

A friends twin had started making exclusively french-fry-themed (or should I insist on calling them Belgian Fries?) tattoos. Out of boredom-fueled creativity, I messaged her with different ideas, including an image of fries squeezed between a pair of breasts. Then, on an alcohol-heavy and sleep-deprived early morning, I saw it: a Belgian fry walking down the street, wearing a Magritte-inspired bowler hat and drinking a bottle of water. Long, blond, skinny and always moving, I could relate to the fry and my compulsion to ALWAYS carry a water bottle with me seemed like it deserved some loving attention. A two-fold homage to my home town, Brussels. Additionally, a gentle reminder to stay hydrated and keep moving forward. When all else fails, hug your teddy or go for a walk. Now, all that it lacks is a little puddle to add suspense: will the little fry walk into it? Is it a puddle or is it mayo? Stay tuned…

It was the first of my truly personal investments (splashing out on my own self-development) and I regret nothing. After all, this year deserves nothing less than an acknowledgement of how far I’ve come in the most playful manifestation I could imagine.

Taking my new friend out for a walk



Talia Longthorne

behavioural scientist in the making. trying to understand the human mind while trying not to lose my own